We had Ellie's third birthday party this weekend. I can't believe my baby is no longer a baby!
My birthday was uneventful, which is how I like it.
And we found out that we're having another baby girl. When we explained to Ellie that she was having a little sister, she began to hide all her toys under her bed. At least her room is tidy...
I don't know how (or if I even should) tell my almost-3-year old daughter that her Nana has gone to heaven. I'm not sure how to make it so she would understand...
Almost brought up my breakfast on a suspect this morning during interrogation. I've never been so relieved to hear a confession - it meant I could get out of there before I actually was sick. Not my finest moment, that's for sure. I'm hoping that it's not as bad tomorrow because I'm due in court for cross-examination at 9AM - I don't think it will
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Ellie picked up the phrase 'buuuut moooom' off someone, and I swear, I will hunt down whoever did and make them pay. She just says it, she doesn't understand why or when to say it, she just keeps repeating it, over and over
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Ellie turned 2 just a few weeks ago. Terrifying is the word I would use to describe it. Not the birthday itself, that was nice. We kept it simple, she had a lot of new toys - so much they don't all fit in her room - and she loved every minute of it. But the idea that she's already two and talking like a pro is certainly scary
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It was her birthday. That's what David had told her when she woke up this morning. In her sleepy haze, she informed him he was an idiot and tried to go back to sleep. Thankfully, for her, he never did listen and he carried on babbling about how she had forced him to celebrate his birthday so he was returning the favour
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